Cymbiosis and Linn Lounge Presents…The Rolling Stones event report
Last night was our first ever Linn Lounge here at Cymbiosis and we are pleased to report was a brilliant success. We had a great turn out of new and regular customers and we were standing room only in places, with everyone crowding round to listen to the Linn system on show.
The Linn Lounge set up is very simple; a group of music loving people coming together to sit back and listen to a classic album in a hi-res 24/192 recording on Linn’s flagship Klimax DS digital streamer. Our Linn representative George Clegg was also with us for this event and he told the drug and alcohol fuelled story of the Rolling Stones throughout the years, giving real life to the music. He played a selection of their songs throughout the ages, and tracks from the “Grrr” album which acted as the perfect backdrop to a sunning evening.
The system we chose for our first Linn Lounge event was a Klimax DS, Klimax Kontrol and a pair of Klimax Solo Power Amps finished in black and running through 242 loudspeakers. This certainly allowed all present to really connect with the music of the Stones.
After the presentation finished, guests had the option to listen to either Klimax or an Akurate system in our two other demonstration rooms, where they were able to listen to their own music and George, Peter, Phil, Thomas and Wayne were all on hand to answer any questions. As expected, Peter had a Klimax LP12 available for comparison back to back against the KDS, showing the best of vinyl against the best of digital.
After a thoroughly good listen and chat about all things hi-fi and music, a group of us gathered in a local curry house for further and much needed refreshment, and the discussions and topics kept flowing throughout the rest of the night!
We would just like to thank David from the Case Restaurant above the shop for the beautiful food, George from Linn and most of all everyone who attended our first Linn Lounge, making it a thoroughly enjoyable, light hearted evening and by all accounts a successful evening of music.
We will be holding another Linn Lounge event in the coming months with the album still to be decided…We look forward to seeing you to our next event!
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