The Kudos Titan 505 Has Arrived Posted by Phil Mulvaney September 10th, 2018 The Kudos Titan 505 is the latest addition to the flagship Titan series, created to bring high-end performance to a wider range of budgets. This has been a much anticipated and talked about speaker ever since its debut at the Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2018 and we are happy to say that we now have the 505s here and available for demonstration. Whilst we have had them in one of our dem rooms running in, a lot of our customers have popped in for a listen and ended up sitting there playing track after track. Always a good sign! We think that this is going to be a very popular addition to the Titan range. Derek has also designed dedicated stands for them, which not only look great but also allow the speakers to perform to their full potential. Based on the Titan 606, the Titan 505 features custom-designed SEAS-Kudos drivers, as well as the Titans’ trademark isobaric bass reflex design and complex cabinetry – all in a compact stand-mount model. In common with all of Kudos’ upper-end models, the Titan 505 also has the capability to run in active mode with a high-end system such as the Linn Exakt. They are able perform with a wide range of amplification and indeed, at the Bristol Show they were partnered with a Naim Uniti Nova and received glowing reports from those that attended and experienced this intriguing combination. So please give us a call and come and hear this remarkable speaker for yourself, we look forward to hearing from you. Tweet Share Kudos New Product Speakers