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Simplinth Goes Fluted

Posted by August 8th, 2019

Simplinth LP12 plinthThe Simplinth range of plinths for the Linn Sondek LP12 has proved a great success but many customers have asked if Simon could make them a fluted version as per the original LP12 plinths that Linn made.

So having made a couple of specials, which have gone down well, Simon has decided to add fluted plinths to his range.

We now have one of the fluted plinths on a demonstration deck for anyone who would like to see one, with a view to changing theirs to this iconic looking plinth.

If you would like any more information about these plinths, please get in touch here

Phil Mulvaney

Phil has been involved in electronics retail for most of his life and has been a member of the Cymbiosis team since 1990. Phil specialises in digital streaming and networking solutions and is also one of the Cymbiosis webmasters.

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