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Naim 200 Series Demonstration Day Report

Posted by March 15th, 2023

As many of you may be aware we were delighted to hold a special demonstration day of the new Naim 200 Series products on March 14th 2023.

A number of sessions were held throughout the day in order to ensure a comfortable listening experience for everyone who attended, and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank those who came along. We know from all the positive comments that everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and were all suitably impressed with the performance of the new range.

Naim 200 Series Streamer/AmplificationIt was with great pleasure that we were able to welcome Mark Raggett from Naim, who valiantly managed to carry out each presentation and answer all the questions put to him.

He started by explaining the history behind the evolution of the Naim Classic Series from its beginning to this latest version and how it takes the brand forward. He firstly introduced the NSC 222 Streamer/Preamplifier in conjunction with latest version of the infamous NAP 250 Power Amplifier and demonstrated its ability to play a variety of interesting and involving music.

The next step was to show the logical upgrade path by adding the NPX 300 Power Supply, which is of course the classic Naim upgrade path, and we think no-one was left in any doubt as to the validity of using this route to a better listening experience.

The speakers we used for this occasion were a recent addition to the Cymbiosis range, the Russell K Red 120, which did a magnificent job of presenting just what the Naim 200 Series is capable of.

Thanks to everyone who came and especially to Mark for his time, insights and patience throughout the day.

For anyone who was unable to make it, we would be delighted to book a personal demonstration, which can be done by contacting us here [email protected]

Phil Mulvaney

Phil has been involved in electronics retail for most of his life and has been a member of the Cymbiosis team since 1990. Phil specialises in digital streaming and networking solutions and is also one of the Cymbiosis webmasters.

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