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Kudos Sigao Drive Open Day

Posted by June 22nd, 2024

It was with great pleasure that we welcomed Derek and Mark from Kudos to demonstrate their latest product – Sigao Drive Crossover.

The Sigao Drive enables the owners of selected Kudos loudspeakers, including the Titan range, to take their systems active with a wide selection of amplifiers from various manufacturers.

Kudos Sigao Drive CrossoverWith two Sigao Drives available we were able to set up systems in both dem rooms to show all the strengths of running an active system.

One system consisted of the Kudos Titan 808 speakers using Naim electronics with the Sigao Drive. Peter used a Klimax level Linn Sondek LP12 with the Naim NAC 552 into the Sigao and three New Classic NAP 250 amplifiers. A few jaws dropped on listening to this combination!

In the other dem room we were doing active versus passive demonstrations using Kudos Titan 606 speakers with a Linn Klimax DSM/3 into the Sigao with two Klimax Solo amplifiers for the passive dem and four Klimax Solo amplifiers for the active dem.

For those in attendance who hadn’t experienced an active system before this was quite a revelation, as an active system just brings the music alive in every single area making for a thoroughly involving musical experience.

Everyone went on their way afterwards with big grins on their faces, having enjoyed the day immensely.

For more information on the Sigao Drive click here

To read an interesting article about Derek Gilligan, Kudos founder and owner click here

Phil Mulvaney

Phil has been involved in electronics retail for most of his life and has been a member of the Cymbiosis team since 1990. Phil specialises in digital streaming and networking solutions and is also one of the Cymbiosis webmasters.

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