News / New Product

The Kudos Titan 505 Has Arrived

Posted by September 10th, 2018

Kudos Titan 505The Kudos Titan 505 is the latest addition to the flagship Titan series, created to bring high-end performance to a wider range of budgets.

This has been a much anticipated and talked about speaker ever since its debut at the Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2018 and we are happy to say that we now have the 505s here and available for demonstration.

Naim ND555 Roadshow

Posted by July 16th, 2018

Naim recently announced that they are launching a new range of network players – the ND 555, NDX 2 and ND5 XS 2.

These latest network players have been engineered on the basis of a completely new streaming system. Three years in the making, this innovative, Naim-designed digital technology surpasses anything they’ve done before.

Rega Planar 1 Plus

Posted by May 26th, 2018

The Rega Planar 1 has been the most successful turntable that Rega have produced, but rather than sit on their laurels, they decided to see if they could make it even easier to use and more accessible to the new generation of people discovering vinyl replay and so the Rega Planar 1 Plus was born.

An Eventful Day with Linn at Cymbiosis

Posted by February 7th, 2018

Linn have recently announced two new upgrades for the Sondek LP12, with the arrival of the Urika II phono stage and the new Lingo power supply.

To enable you to hear these upgrades for yourself, we are holding an open day on Saturday 24th February 2018, when Linn engineer Cameron Sharpe will be here with us to explain the technology and demonstrate the fantastic capabilities of these exciting new products.