News / New Product

Can You Have A Small Titan?

Posted by December 30th, 2017

It would appear so, as we are pleased to announce that the “baby” of the Kudos Titan range, the 606, has arrived and is now well run in and available for demonstration. The Titan 808 and 707 have been super successful and the 606 brings this performance level to a more affordable price point for many people.

Kudos Announce Titan Addition

Posted by January 18th, 2017

Kudos have just announced a pre-launch preview of the brand new member of the Titan family. This will be at Sound & Vision – The Bristol Show at Marriott Hotel in Bristol on Friday February 24th – Sunday 26th February 2017.

The Titan 707 is a smaller, single-box version of the flagship 808 loudspeaker that will be affordable to a wider range of budgets.