News / Turntable

Solstice – A New Dawn For Music

Posted by October 15th, 2021

Naim Audio Solstice SE TurntableNaim Audio has proudly designed and handcrafted music systems in the historic English city of Salisbury for almost 50 years. Just outside the city lies the World Heritage site of Stonehenge, it’s Neolithic standing stones perfectly framing the movements of the sun.

For thousands of years, countless generations have gathered at this iconic monument to mark midwinter and midsummer, when the rising rays of the solstice sun shine into the heart of the stone circle.

A New Dawn from Naim Audio

Posted by June 21st, 2021

Naim Audio have announced today, the summer solstice, the launch of their first ever turntable – the Solstice Special Edition.

Naim Audio Solstice Special Edition TurntableLimited to just 500 units, this Special Edition includes the Solstice turntable, a next-generation version of the iconic Naim Aro tonearm, an Equinox MC cartridge, Solstice Series Phono Stage, Power Supply and bespoke accessories set.

Linn LP12 Klinik featuring Karousel Upgrade Offer

Posted by September 29th, 2020

The new Linn Karousel bearing has taken the Linn Sondek LP12 world by storm with its staggering musical performance upgrade. And now you can experience this for yourself as we are holding two days of demonstrations on a 1-2-1 basis.

So rather than our usual open days, you will need to book a demonstration in advance when you will be able to book a personal one hour slot, which will be limited to two people per session.

Take A Ride On The Linn Karousel

Posted by March 6th, 2020

Linn have just announced a new bearing upgrade for the Sondek LP12 turntable.

Designated as the Karousel, this is a new, innovative precision-engineered design which will improve vinyl reproduction from every LP12 ever made.

Linn Karousel bearingThe unique single-point bearing, combined with the acoustic isolation of the turntable design, were the foundations on which Linn was established in 1973, the bearing design even providing the inspiration for the Linn logo.