News / Turntable

Simplinth Goes Fluted

Posted by August 8th, 2019

Simplinth LP12 plinthThe Simplinth range of plinths for the Linn Sondek LP12 has proved a great success but many customers have asked if Simon could make them a fluted version as per the original LP12 plinths that Linn made.

So having made a couple of specials, which have gone down well, Simon has decided to add fluted plinths to his range.

Hana 華 Cartridges

Posted by May 20th, 2019

Cymbiosis is pleased to announce that Peter has just added the Hana range of moving coil cartridges to our stock.Having auditioned them at length, he feels that they offer excellent sound quality at an affordable price.

Hana – 華 – means “brilliant and gorgeous” in Japanese and they have been winning reviewer praise and awards since their introduction to the UK in 2015.

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Posted by March 23rd, 2019

Peter has taken off on his travels again, this time visiting a number of regular clients in both Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

As well as attending to the usual collection of Linn Sondek LP12s, he was also called upon to configure an active Naim Allae system, install a Naim Aro LP12 into a Linn Exakt sytem and sort out a classic Linn/Naim six pack Isobarik active system.