News / Upgrade

The LP12 top-plate, a key component in one of the world’s most loved turntables

Posted by February 4th, 2014

Well, our beloved LP12 has evolved in many and various ways over the past 40 plus years. Over this time, many of us have heard the sonic improvements that have resulted from improvements to the main bearing, power supplies, sub-chassis, arms, cartridges, plinths and baseboards etc as Linn continue with their policy of continuous development and improvement.

A little something extra from Linn products this January & February…

Posted by January 7th, 2014

This January, Linn Products are giving away something a little extra when you purchase a DS Product before Tuesday 18th February. Treat yourself to the ultimate music, movie and Studio Master gifts this January and February with Linn’s incredible special offer.

Buy any Klimax, Akurate or Majik network music player before Tuesday 18th February and receive a selection of gifts, including a Mac Mini, Apple TV, online music & video subscriptions and £100s of Studio Master music voucher*.